Tuesday 15 December 2015

Editing My Footage


When I finished filming for my movie my next step was to edit. For editing I used the MAC computers at my sixth form and used Premier Pro to edit all my footage on.

 Using a MAC allowed me to transfer all my footage from my camera in to a folder as well as being saved on to the desktop meaning I wouldn't loose my work. 

When saved I then opened up a new premier pro document and put all my footage in. I then put them in order, trimmed then down, added sound effects and much more to them to make them look more professional and look like more of a short movie.

I used lesson time and free time to edit my footage to make sure I got it to the standard I wanted it to be. After editing I added sound to my short movie to complete it I used the following website...

This website allowed me to download music for my short film at ease by searching for what I was looking for. As well as soundtracks to run behind the footage the website also had ambient sound for me to add in. 

Above is a screenshot of my premier pro project for my film "Consequences" whilst I was working on it as you can see there is a lot going and it appears to be complicated but as I used Premier Pro to work on my AS production last year I carried the skills over from last year to allow me to use Premier Pro at ease.

Once the clips were all in place and the music was sorted I added in titles such as production company logo and a few titles saying who was in the short movie and the name of the movie. Here are some examples which I created for my project...


 Overall in terms of editing I had an enjoyable experience of editing and using premier pro to edit my short film. It helped a lot that I used Premier Pro last year to edit my AS production as I carried over my skills and remembered them to carry on this year, not only did I carry them over but I feel like I have improved this year as I knew how to work Premier Pro compared to last year.

Creative Journey 8

Creative Journey

I have now finished my first draft for my movie which will be marked and viewed by my teachers(Mr Rutherford and Mr Judge) over Christmas.I have also finished getting audience feedback for my magazine review page and magazine film poster and have finished them now. 

I am now just completing finishing touches and touching up on a few blog posts that may need editing.

Friday 11 December 2015

T10-First Draft of Consequences with Audience Feedback Questions

First Draft

Below is a first draft of my short film "Consequences". 

As it is my first draft I will be showing this draft to my class and other people especially the target audience to see what they think and give me some improvements to act on...


1. Would you leave or remove "Staring..."?
2. Would you bring "Antonia Georgiou and Stevie Georgiou" forward?
3. Would you cut the music all the way through the short movie and add it on to selected parts?
4. Should I remove "1 hour later..."?
5. Would you edit any of the clips such as add filters?

After showing my production to my class I received some constructive criticism on what to do next to improve my short movie. Here is what was said...

"Cut some of the shots a bit shorter as some of them were too long"

"Make the title "Consequences" appear a little longer"

" Lower down the sound and increase the volume of speech" 

" Get rid of "Staring" as it doesn't fit in to a short movie"

"Maybe add another scene on the end of car driving away" 

"Add a few ambient sounds in such as footsteps"

For my second draft I will be taking these improvements into consideration to improve my short film.

Friday 27 November 2015

T10-Audience Feedback 2-Film Poster

Audience Feedback

After completing audience feedback for our poster, the most popular poster out the four was option 1...

What I think of my poster:

Personally I am extremely happy with my final draft of the poster and happy with the choice the audience liked the most. I feel like from the colours used and the background used that the audience straight away will be able to tell that the genre is action as we have used colours such as black, red, white and grey which are all key colours to action.

I also feel like from the orginal image which I have used for my poster I have added a lot to make it look more like a film poster as this is what we started with...

Questions for Audience: 

1. Do you feel like there should be more information on the poster?

2. Would you change the background to colour or keep it the same as black and white?

3. Do you think the font of the text suits the genre action?

4. Do you think the colours used for the text suit the poster?

5. Overall do you find the poster appealing?

Tuesday 24 November 2015

T10-Audience Feedback-Film Poster

Audience Feedback 

As I created different drafts for my poster I now want to get some feedback from other media students, people around our college and friends and family to see which draft they like the most. To do this in a fair way I have put on my three drafts of the poster on to A4 and created a tally to see which is the most preferred draft...

As you can see I have spaced all the drafts so it is clear to the audience and will be getting 30 people to choose, from here we will then discuss the results as a group. 

Audience feedback from others especially other media students is very important as in the media industry it is is all about pleasing the audience and attracting the audience as they are the ones who absorb media, so feedback will allow us to make sure that get our product perfect and to see what audiences want.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Creative Journey 7

Creative Journey 

We have now finished our poster for our movie "Consequences" at a good standard we are all happy with as a group. It took quite a few drafts to get complete but overall we are very happy with our final piece. 

We are now in process of coming up to finishing our second part of print products, our review page this is also looking very good and matches our poster in terms of the colour and style. We are also very close to finishing our movie too, as we are in final stages of editing.

T10-Print Product Poster Journey

Print Product

I have now finished creating our poster for our print product but along the journey of creating it I changed a few things each time to make sure that i got it right. Here are the three copies of the poster...

Above is the first draft of our poster, as you can see it does have information on but we felt like there wasn't enough and titles needed moving around to make the poster look more neat and professional. We also felt like the star ratings needed to be more big and stand out so audiences see straight away that the film is 5* and don't have to look for it.

Above was the second draft to our poster. After doing some further research into posters we felt like the poster needed a border so we added a black border. I also made the stars a little more bolder and bigger for them to stand out a little more. 

I also added  underneath the title a date for the film release and a title saying "In cinemas" as again after doing research this suited a poster well and gave the audience more information.

I also added a 15 rated symbol as after doing research into existing products a 15 is good rating for my film so I added in the symbol to again tell the audience what the rating of the movie will be.

Finally, this is our last draft for our poster. As you can see a lot hasn't changed compared to the draft above and the first draft apart from the border around the edge which is now white and a lot more slim. After comparing the black and white border I felt like it made a very big difference as the black border looked too heavy and took over the poster compared to the white border which is a lot more sleek and tidy looking. 

Overall I am really happy with my final draft and feel like it fits in with my movie and the genre action well. I am also very happy after doing a survey on my poster choice that the final draft was the most popular with a wide range of different ages.

Friday 13 November 2015

November feedback

Some excellent reflection on the creative process including photographs of locations and drafts of print productions. You analysis of target audience shows an understanding of the task and discusses lifestyle in addition to more traditional methods of classification. Planning is clear although schedules and risk assessments could be more detailed. A script and a storyboard evidence planning.

I am intrigued as to the progress of the edit which I hope to see next week

I now need to see a first cut of the film and you need to gain audience feedback.  I have seen evidence of editing in your creative journey but we need to stage-post the edit to evaluate how you can improve.  Your input to the team is clear but the lack of attendance of others is hampering my ability to offer feedback to the group. I need you all here next week.

Creative Journey 6

Creative Journey-Print Product Update 

We are now currently in process of creating our print product as we are coming up to finishing our short movie. We have spoken as a group putting together our ideas and have come to a conclusion on what we would like our print product to look like. 

I have created a base of which you can see on previous blog posts of what we want our print product to look like but on Monday we will be using the green screen at sixth form to put our main character Kieran on the front of the cover to give it more of a personal touch.

After we have used the green screen we should be in final stages of creating our print product and then will be going on to creating our review page. 

Print Product- Draft 2

Print Product Poster Draft 2

Above is my second draft of my print product, as you can see I have used one of the pictures that I took when visiting Birmingham but have edited them and put together the poster using Fireworks. 

I have added titles and names to the poster and the got the idea for the titles from the new James Bond film "Spectre" as this is where I got the idea from, I choose the idea from "Spectre" as it is an action movie its self and the font goes well with our poster. 

After this we should be in the final stage of our poster and coming up to finishing. 

Thursday 5 November 2015

Print Product Research

Print Product Research

As I am now  planning and drafting out our print product I have been thinking of different ideas for it. The idea I have chosen and have decided to use a city urban background for the film poster, as we wanted to use Birmingham setting for our city background as said on my last blog post I visited Birmingham yesterday to take pictures of the backstreets in Birmingham to use for our poster. 

I used an iPhone 5C to take pictures of London and I used my iPhone 5C as the camera is very good at taking high quality pictures, especially outdoors. By the pictures I took audiences will be able to tell straight away that the setting for the film is going to be urban and poor looking.

By taking my own picture for the poster it makes the poster for our film more personal, also regarding target audience as we have used a Birmingham setting on our poster this could open up or provide an interest to an international audience such as American people as American people are known to be fascinated by England and especially London so by them seeing a British City on the film poster could potentially attract them to watch the movie. 

As you can see by the images of my self taking the pictures for our poster the location has stereotypical Birmingham back street conventions such as an old buildings, rooftops and cold damp weather.

Previously to using the idea of a Birmingham background I thought of using the idea of an old abandoned building near our sixth form which we could of visited and taken pictures of to use for our poster.

This is what the building looked like...

As you can see by the images the building is abandoned and has conventions of action so it would of been a good location to take pictures of for our print product. After having a think and comparing the two locations we decided to choose the London as we thought the idea of city suited our storyline more and had more conventions of an action movie compared to an abandoned building.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Print Products-Film Poster Ideas

Film Poster Idea

As we are now on our way to finishing filming and have started editing we are now designing and drafting out film posters and review articles for our movie. As our film is an action and a convention of an action movie is a city we are using a city background for our poster and going to use a green screen to add our main character to the background. 

As we want a city background, I will be travelling to Birmingham this week to take pictures of Birmingham(Backstreet's)  from different angles to use for my poster.

I will also be visiting Birmingham with my other actor who stars in my movie "Stevie" to get pictures of both me and Stevie as we each play a role(Antagonist and Protagonist). 

Friday 16 October 2015

Creative Journey 5

16.10.2015-Research and Planning

Most of our research and planning is now done in terms of research and the planning process to creating our short movie. We are also now in process of filming our short movie and have filmed around 70% and starting to edit the footage we have using Premier Pro and Photoshop.

As it is now the last day before half term(2 weeks off) we aren't going to have the facilities we have here at sixth form but can carry on with filming and blog work at home still. After we come back after our two week break we will be finalising blog work and making sure that is all done and focusing on editing our footage.

Whilst editing I will also be thinking about our two print products which will be a film poster and a a film review page. We have already as a group drafted some ideas as you can see in my blog but after half term we will start creating the print products. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015



Here is a storyboard draft for what our short movie should appear as but in a storyboard format. I used the website Storyboard That to create my storyboard as it allowed me to put more detail into the designs compared to drawing them. I also think this storyboard looks more professional compared to a drawn one...
These are the first three scenes, The first scene is a close up of the car which is and audi in our movie. The next scene is a wide shot of the inside of the car and someone placing a wire in the car. After the shots of the car we move to an office scene of a lady walking out of work. 
The fourth scene is again a medium shot of the lady walking out of work and heading towards the car park, the fifth scene is a wide shot of the lady walking out of work again but we have used a wide shot this time so the audience can see the location. After this we move to another close up of a car again but of the ladies car this time. 
At this point the audience see who the antagonist is who looks sneaky and smart. On the next scene everything changes and the antagonist catches the girl and heads towards his car. After this we go to a scene of a flashback of the young girl finding a secret item, we are going to edit this scene into black and white to make it look like a flashback. 

After the flashback, there is a medium shot of the lady in the back of the car appearing very worried and nervous for what is going to happen. We then see the car drive off leaving the audience confused. After the car scene we go to a long shot of the antagonist leading the young girl into his house which appears to look scary and unused. 
The antagonist then tells the girl to sit down in the room whilst he makes some phone calls whilst the lady hears the other person on the phone talking about a wanted item. The girl hears the other part of the conversation and tries to make an escape. 

Thursday 8 October 2015

Research Log(Bibliography)

                   Secondary Source                Relevance to my project

Creative Journey 4

08.10.2015-Research and Planning

A lot of my research and planning is now done for our short movie and everything is planned out such as a schedule for filming, risk assessment and a filming schedule. 

As we our now ready for film we will be filming in the next couple of weeks and will be done for after our two week October half term. As we are filming soon we are now designing and coming up for ideas for our print products and also practicing editing skills for after filming.



As we are creating a short film which falls into the genre action, editing is very important and must be done well to get the effect we want. When we have completed filming we will be editing our production using MAC computers and using the software Premier Pro and maybe Photoshop and other editing software.  

In our production we are going be including the following scenes which will need to be edited very well...
  • Car Chase- In our short movie we will be having a car chase scene and after getting the footage for this film we will need to do some good editing to make the car chase look more extreme and effective. When editing we will be using both Premier Pro and Photoshop to edit this scene.
  • Technology/Spy Room-This scene wont require as much editing but will need editing in terms of making the technology more personal to the film instead of just a standard PC. We will also need to edit this scene to make it look more slick and spy themed. Again for this scene we will be using Premier Pro and Photoshop.
  • Scenes including the wanted potion-In this scene we will be using some sort of glass bottle for the wanted potion so we will need to edit the bottle to make it look more like a potion and a bad potion. To edit this we will be using Photoshop.
  •  Fight scenes-For the fight scenes we will be using Premier Pro to fasten up the scene to make the fight look more tense and aggressive to get the audience going as when filming if we did act out an aggressive fight it would go against our risk assessment and could effect some crew members.

Editing in action films editing is a crucial process when creating the films as most of the action that appears in the films is done through editing as a lot of it can not actually be done. The kinds of shots that are used a lot in action movies are extreme close ups, long shots, wide shots, point of view shots and extreme long shots. We will also be using these kinds of shots in our own short movie.

As our inspiration to create our film came from the film Hitman: Agent 47 we have looked back on their trailer on what editing is used and seen some hints and tips we could use in our such as the following...

As you can see this scene from the trailer looks very edited as the stunt that happened didn't really happen. We will have to edit our car scene to like this to make it look effective. 

For example how fumes are coming out the car to make it look like it has speed and is damaged, we can do this too through using Photoshop on the MAC computers.

This shot above in the trailer is edited in slow motion for tension and we can also and will do this when editing on our gun shots using Premier Pro. 

Overall, the editing for our short movie is going to be very important as without the editing our short movie wont look as effective and shots wont look right. As we filmed a short sequence for our AS product too we can carry the skills over from Premier Pro and Photoshop and use them this year too. 

This year we are more advanced in terms of editing as we know how to use the software correctly.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

T10-Print Product Planning

Print Products

For part of our coursework as well as creating our production we need to create two print products which will be a film poster and a review page for the film in a magazine format. As we are creating an action short film I have started to draft out some designs for our print product with my other team members both drawn and using technology...

Below are two designs for our film posters and a magazine review page example, these were hand drawn sketches of what they could look like. If we did decide to choose one of the designs below we would re construct them on MAC computers using an editing software.

Magazine Review Page
Film Poster

 As a group we also designed a poster using the MAC computers using fireworks and Photoshop. Here is what we designed...

As you can see it is has all the conventions of an action movie on the poster such as men in suits, weapons, city setting and much more. Out of all our designs this is the one we are liking the most so far. 

Friday 2 October 2015

T4-Target Audience

Target Audience

My initial target audience are males aged from 20-30 and are interested in action and sports. However after doing more research on target audience and specifically my target audience this has changed and become more of distinct target audience. 

By using the YouGov website, I researched my target audience by putting in Hitman which is an action movie which is going to have similar features and content to ours. This is what came up...

In terms of gender I agree as male is the most common for this film but I disagree with part of the demographics such as the age. I think that ages 40-50 is a bit too high as they might find the content of our action film a bit boring or extreme, as I said before I think a good age range is 20-30 as this age range are usually the most excited range when it comes to action.On the other hand I  think the social grade for "C2ED" is about right as its not at all for high class and posh people but for middle class people. 

In terms of profession I also think they are true as it says they will be interested in the professions construction and engineering which are quite action packed jobs and I said at the start of this entry that they the person who would like our film would enjoy action. 

In terms of lifestyle I totally agree with the kind of lifestyle our target audience should have. As I said before doing research that our target audience would have a keen interest in sports and in the profile for Hitman it says audiences enjoy sports, watching sports and playing sports. I agree with this as in action movies there is a lot of fast pace action which often appears as sports so this is why they would enjoy it. I also agree with the general interest as It says they enjoy movies and video games, video games mainly is a key interest as a lot of video games are action based such as Grand Theft Auto. 

On the brands section it says people who like Hitman like the brand BMW which is a high/middle class sports car. This again I would agree with as BMW is used in a lot of action films as it is quite an action typed car. 

In the entertainment section of the YouGov profile it says that people who like Hitman like the film Mission Impossible too, I would again agree with this as when we spoke to our class about our pitch we mentioned Mission Impossible too as a film that could be similar and have similar ideas to our own. 

All media texts are made to be consumed by an audience which means when media is created they are always made to be viewed and used by audiences. Our short action movie is going to be made to do the following...
  • Entertainment- Our film is mainly going to be made to entertain audiences, as there is going to be a lot of tense scenes and extreme scenes it should really entertain audiences well.
  • Escapism- Our film will also allow audiences to escape out of reality whilst watching the short film and just generally enjoy watching the short movie. 
Our short movie could also educate in some areas, for example our short film could be shown in media lessons to other students to teach them about action movies or help them with ideas in the future.

Our short movie focuses on gratification as it will gratify audiences needs in terms of entertainment and escapism. Our short action film isn't passive as this means that audiences believe everything and just view the film, in this day and age this doesn't really exist any more as audiences use have access to the internet and not just the TV so audiences can research the films and see other peoples opinions through the internet and social networks. 

Profiling an Audience:


In terms of profiling through A,B,C,D,E and U in terms of class I would say our target audience would lie between C and D as our film isn't for high class people and posh people but is just for middle class average people who watch films through Netflix for example and watch them in cinemas and on TV. Our film wouldn't be for high class people as they might find the content a little boring compared to films and TV shows such as The Great Gatsby and Downton Abbey as the content in these will satisfy their needs more and even be relatable to some high class people

Tuesday 29 September 2015

T10-Action Film Cover Analysis

Action film DVD covers analysis

As we are going to need to create our own print product for our production we are going to create a DVD cover so to get some ideas and see what other action film DVD covers look like I researched some of the top action film DVD covers and picked things out and explained them...

Friday 25 September 2015

Creative Journey 3-Research and Planning

25.09.2015-Research and Planning

We have now completed a lot of planning for filming so we can soon get started. I have now completed a risk assessment for filming, a filming schedule, role allocation and much more to get us started. 

Now we have completed this we are on track to start filming. As we now know the plot and script for our short movie we can now create a storyboard for our short film.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Pitch feedback

Your idea is intriguing and shows an interest in the genre. You have a lot of ideas about locations and props. You now need to begin filming and realizing your artistic vision.

I like the ideas for mise-en-scene such as suits to connote characters.
Ensure that the film doesn’t fall into pastiche or parody of the genre.

How will you make it different to the genre which can be derivative?

When will you film?  I would suggest that leaving it another month is late. 

How will editing be an important part of your production?

Upload your storyboards

Provide a risk assessment

Complete a production schedule

T3-Mind Map Ideas for Action Movie

Mind Map for Action Movies

T7-Role Allocation

Role Allocation

For the project of our short movie "Consequences", the allocation of the roles needed to be considered thoroughly. It was important that we allocated the right roles to the right people, because for example  if we chose someone sweet and innocent  to be the bad guy of the film, it wouldn't look and sound right. 

I felt like I had the confidence to play a role behind the camera also as well as using the camera and editing. For example, when Stevie is on camera , I will be staring in the movie and when Steve is in the film I will be using the camera. 

Stevie Georgiou- The guy who takes takes Antonia and kid naps her.
Antonia Georgiou- The girl who is taken by Kieran 


Locations for filming

For my short movie I am filming in two different locations, inside an abandoned office in Birmingham and outside of the office in the backstreets of Birmingham. Here are some pictures I took previous to filming when visiting the location to see if it was suitable for filming...

Above is an image of the office scene which is shown a couple of seconds into the short movie. As you can see the office fit in well with the urban theme as the office has not been used in a while so it is messy and has paper work everywhere which was perfect for this scene. The lighting was also very suitable in this scene. 

Above is another image from the first office scene. With this image you can see better the desk where the main character is sitting. This was perfect for the office scene as it had a desk with a chair and paper work on the walls and desk ready for filming. 

The two images above are images of the room the girl is taken to and trapped in when she gets captured. Again we thought this room was perfect for the scene as there was broken furniture, a large wardrobe which was slanted and the lighting was more dim which was perfect for this scene. There were also two doors with locks on which looked scary which fit in with the scene perfectly too.

The images above are images of the antagonists office and where the antagonist makes a phone call to his boss. This again perfectly suited the scene as it had lots of conventions suitable such as crooked window, tables and chairs which made the room look urban. 

Finally, for the last scene we needed an outdoor area to film in so we used the back area of the office which was an abandoned yard which was messy and you could see overgrown bushes and trees in the background adding to the scene.


Wednesday 23 September 2015

T10-Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule

I have decided to do all of my filming for my production during October half term during the second week. I have also split the duration/film into three parts and will be filming different parts on different days. This is the plan I have created for my schedule...

As you can see I have decided on times of which I am going to film including a short break and we have decided which parts which we are going to record on each day. I have also added locations so we all know where we need to be.

Monday 21 September 2015

T5/T9-Pitch with Script

Pitch and Script

Below is our pitch for our action movie "Persuit" for our A2 production. Included is our script for our production which we are going to use when videoing in October half term...


*Walking down Stairs*

*Walks out of office*

*Bad guy sees young girl and gets in car and drives towards her*

*Bad guy grabs girl, ties her hands together and puts her in car*

Young Girl: Help.. Help… What is going on?? Who are you?

*Bad guy closes car and drives off*


*Bad guy parks up at house and drags girl into the house*

*Bad guys phone rings*

Unknown caller: 10 minutes to find out what she knows and where the data is otherwise you both die!


*Bad Guy is browsing through weapons whilst young girl is trying to make an escape*

*Girl is breathing heavily*

*Girl runs towards door to get away*

Bad guy: Where is she gone?

*Girl gets shot by sniper as she leaves*