Friday 27 November 2015

T10-Audience Feedback 2-Film Poster

Audience Feedback

After completing audience feedback for our poster, the most popular poster out the four was option 1...

What I think of my poster:

Personally I am extremely happy with my final draft of the poster and happy with the choice the audience liked the most. I feel like from the colours used and the background used that the audience straight away will be able to tell that the genre is action as we have used colours such as black, red, white and grey which are all key colours to action.

I also feel like from the orginal image which I have used for my poster I have added a lot to make it look more like a film poster as this is what we started with...

Questions for Audience: 

1. Do you feel like there should be more information on the poster?

2. Would you change the background to colour or keep it the same as black and white?

3. Do you think the font of the text suits the genre action?

4. Do you think the colours used for the text suit the poster?

5. Overall do you find the poster appealing?

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