Tuesday 24 November 2015

T10-Audience Feedback-Film Poster

Audience Feedback 

As I created different drafts for my poster I now want to get some feedback from other media students, people around our college and friends and family to see which draft they like the most. To do this in a fair way I have put on my three drafts of the poster on to A4 and created a tally to see which is the most preferred draft...

As you can see I have spaced all the drafts so it is clear to the audience and will be getting 30 people to choose, from here we will then discuss the results as a group. 

Audience feedback from others especially other media students is very important as in the media industry it is is all about pleasing the audience and attracting the audience as they are the ones who absorb media, so feedback will allow us to make sure that get our product perfect and to see what audiences want.

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