Thursday 19 November 2015

T10-Print Product Poster Journey

Print Product

I have now finished creating our poster for our print product but along the journey of creating it I changed a few things each time to make sure that i got it right. Here are the three copies of the poster...

Above is the first draft of our poster, as you can see it does have information on but we felt like there wasn't enough and titles needed moving around to make the poster look more neat and professional. We also felt like the star ratings needed to be more big and stand out so audiences see straight away that the film is 5* and don't have to look for it.

Above was the second draft to our poster. After doing some further research into posters we felt like the poster needed a border so we added a black border. I also made the stars a little more bolder and bigger for them to stand out a little more. 

I also added  underneath the title a date for the film release and a title saying "In cinemas" as again after doing research this suited a poster well and gave the audience more information.

I also added a 15 rated symbol as after doing research into existing products a 15 is good rating for my film so I added in the symbol to again tell the audience what the rating of the movie will be.

Finally, this is our last draft for our poster. As you can see a lot hasn't changed compared to the draft above and the first draft apart from the border around the edge which is now white and a lot more slim. After comparing the black and white border I felt like it made a very big difference as the black border looked too heavy and took over the poster compared to the white border which is a lot more sleek and tidy looking. 

Overall I am really happy with my final draft and feel like it fits in with my movie and the genre action well. I am also very happy after doing a survey on my poster choice that the final draft was the most popular with a wide range of different ages.

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