Tuesday 6 October 2015

T10-Print Product Planning

Print Products

For part of our coursework as well as creating our production we need to create two print products which will be a film poster and a review page for the film in a magazine format. As we are creating an action short film I have started to draft out some designs for our print product with my other team members both drawn and using technology...

Below are two designs for our film posters and a magazine review page example, these were hand drawn sketches of what they could look like. If we did decide to choose one of the designs below we would re construct them on MAC computers using an editing software.

Magazine Review Page
Film Poster

 As a group we also designed a poster using the MAC computers using fireworks and Photoshop. Here is what we designed...

As you can see it is has all the conventions of an action movie on the poster such as men in suits, weapons, city setting and much more. Out of all our designs this is the one we are liking the most so far. 

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