Saturday 6 February 2016

T13-Evaluation-Question 4

Question 4

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Whilst doing my planning and research I used many different programmes such as the following...

  • PowerPoint
  • YouTube
  • Blogger
  • Google
  • Premier Pro
  • After Effects
and many more!

As I created a short movie I used YouTube to do a lot of research into existing products and action films as this was the genre my short movie followed. I did this mostly using the MAC and my personal HP laptop at home. YouTube allowed me to watch lots of trailers and scenes from real media productions to help me put together my idea for my own production.

I also used google to help me find information on real media productions such as dates and casts for the productions. I also used Google to find images to help me complete blog posts. I also used my iPhone for research as I used Safari to complete research and also the blogger app which I downloaded so I could blog and complete research on the go.

Blogger-Research and Planning:
I also used blogger a lot throughout my project as this was what I used to complete my blog with and keep everything on. Blogger was good for this as it was a way I could keep all my posts together like a blog and as it was through google I could carry on with blogging at home.

Blogger was very useful also because we could embed videos which was good as I could put YouTube videos in to back up my posts and also embed my short movie which I created. I also added in a lot of image which was good for when I was talking about recce as I could take pictures of the location and add them in. 

Mobile Phones, Laptop, iMac and iPad-Research and Planning:
As well as using the schools facilities such as the computers and iMacs I also used my own technology at home for research and planning. I used my mobile phone to take images when filming which I then put onto my blog as well as completing general research, I used my laptop at home to carry on with blogging as well as research and I also used my iPad to do research. This helped a lot with my research and planning as It meant I had the facilities to carry on with my won when ever I liked and not just at sixth form. 

Construction of my short film:
When creating my short film, I ued a camera which was a Sony Handycam Cx210, a tripod, Premier Pro and YouTube. I used the Sony Camera to film my short movie and the tripod to balance it. The camera was a really good piece of technology to use as it was small meaning it was good to carry around with us when filming and also in HD meaning the quality was good.

Once I had finished filming I then uploaded my footage through the SD card and edited using Premier Pro, Premier Pro allowed me to put all my footage on to one timeline and edit it by snipping and adding effects in a professional way. I also created titles and credits on Premier Pro. I also used Adobe Photoshop to create my poster and magazine page. Photoshop allowed me to edit the image I used which I took my self and to add text making them look like real media products.

Editing-Premier Pro and Photoshop:
As mentioned briefly before I used Premier Pro to edit my short movie and Photoshop to create and edit my ancillary texts. Adobe Premier Pro is a timeline based video editing software application. Premier Pro is for video editing cards and plug-ins for accelerated processing, additional file suit 5(Cs5), it is a native 64-but application for MAC and windows making it one of the few cross platform non linear editing systems available. As a 64-bit application, it does not on 32-bit computers.

Premier Pro also integrates with Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop can be opened directly from Premier Pro to be edited in Photoshop. Any changes will immediately be uploaded when the Photoshop file is saved and focus returns to Premier Pro.

Here is a typical example of a premier pro timeline example…

As you can see from the screenshot, the footage on video one is the main footage and below on audio one is the main audio which will run along together unless there are any gaps. The video two section is the footage which is behind video one so it isn't the main footage and the same with Audio 2 it is the second which will run behind Audio 1. 

From the number above the footage E.G shows the length of the video and red lien running down shows the user the point they are at and you can movie it back and forth to see different parts of the video. 

For my evaluation I had to write a response to four questions, this question I am responding to now and another three. For all four I used different different technologies to make my responses different, creative and fun to use instead of all questions being a written blog post. 

Question 1: For question one I created a video using premier pro and quick time. I used quick time to video the MAC screen and responding to the question and then I used Premier Pro to put together the video as I put everything into the correct sequence, cropped footage and added in titles. 

As you can see from the screenshot of the premier pro timeline, I recored the screen and then added text using the text tool. I could edit the colours and size of the text easily this way. I also used YouTube for this question as whilst recording the screen I was comparing my own production to real media productions through YouTube. I also used YouTube to upload my video once it was finished. 

Question 2: For question two I used Prezzi to present my response. I used Prezzi as it was a fun and creative way to present a response and I also have previous knowledge in using it. 

As you can see from the screenshot of my prezzi for question 2, I have added images and sectioned it all into bubbles making it better for people to read. To then upload it to my blog I just used the prezzi embed tool which then i copied into the HTML section. 

Question 3: For question three I created a Slide Share which is like a powerpoint but through a website online, again this was a creative way to present this question as it allows people to just click through the slide share presentation...

As you can see from the screenshots of the slide share presentation I have used the same theme throughout for consistency and have added diagramas and images into to back up what I am saying. As I used charts in my slide share I used PowerPoint to create these then added then added them in. 

Overall I am really happy with the different technologies I have used in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages. As I have used so many as explained in this question I feel like my research and planning and especially the evaluation stages have been done creatively with different media technologies.  

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