Thursday 18 February 2016

Mr Rutherford Video production feedback

A studio logo has been created using after effects software. This shows ambition in using challenging software. An effective establishing shot is a tilt resting  on a classic car. Controlled use of the camera and well paced.  A range of shots indicate the main a character and mise-en-scene is carefully placed to aid meaning in the scene with a desk. The main title then hints at the subject of the film in appropriate font using a drop shadow for clarity. A brooding music track is created to add atmosphere of threat.  Good continuity in editing with a carefully storyboard sequence of shots.
An enigma is introduced in the prop of the key which ignites the story.   

Why come out of the church looks like a house inside, the office is in the church. Ambient sound effects such as shoes are added to highlight action. 

Some excellent shots are used which sow technical excellence and it is the continuity in editing that is impressive as it is maintained with simple but effective use of the camera.  One shot is of the wall where the focus has the car, which links the narrative together, in the background.

The calm narrative is shattered by a sound effect half way through and a good edit creating a visual bridge.  Dialogue is effective although used sparingly. A quick flashback in black and white reminds the audience of the importance of the memory stick.  The kidnap scene uses mise-en-scene and location well. The narrative end sin escape although it feels like it is to be continued…A cliffhanger rather than resolution. 

Lots of elements of proficiency with some excellence in technical skill.  High level 3. 31/40

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