Tuesday 29 September 2015

T10-Action Film Cover Analysis

Action film DVD covers analysis

As we are going to need to create our own print product for our production we are going to create a DVD cover so to get some ideas and see what other action film DVD covers look like I researched some of the top action film DVD covers and picked things out and explained them...

Friday 25 September 2015

Creative Journey 3-Research and Planning

25.09.2015-Research and Planning

We have now completed a lot of planning for filming so we can soon get started. I have now completed a risk assessment for filming, a filming schedule, role allocation and much more to get us started. 

Now we have completed this we are on track to start filming. As we now know the plot and script for our short movie we can now create a storyboard for our short film.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Pitch feedback

Your idea is intriguing and shows an interest in the genre. You have a lot of ideas about locations and props. You now need to begin filming and realizing your artistic vision.

I like the ideas for mise-en-scene such as suits to connote characters.
Ensure that the film doesn’t fall into pastiche or parody of the genre.

How will you make it different to the genre which can be derivative?

When will you film?  I would suggest that leaving it another month is late. 

How will editing be an important part of your production?

Upload your storyboards

Provide a risk assessment

Complete a production schedule

T3-Mind Map Ideas for Action Movie

Mind Map for Action Movies

T7-Role Allocation

Role Allocation

For the project of our short movie "Consequences", the allocation of the roles needed to be considered thoroughly. It was important that we allocated the right roles to the right people, because for example  if we chose someone sweet and innocent  to be the bad guy of the film, it wouldn't look and sound right. 

I felt like I had the confidence to play a role behind the camera also as well as using the camera and editing. For example, when Stevie is on camera , I will be staring in the movie and when Steve is in the film I will be using the camera. 

Stevie Georgiou- The guy who takes takes Antonia and kid naps her.
Antonia Georgiou- The girl who is taken by Kieran 


Locations for filming

For my short movie I am filming in two different locations, inside an abandoned office in Birmingham and outside of the office in the backstreets of Birmingham. Here are some pictures I took previous to filming when visiting the location to see if it was suitable for filming...

Above is an image of the office scene which is shown a couple of seconds into the short movie. As you can see the office fit in well with the urban theme as the office has not been used in a while so it is messy and has paper work everywhere which was perfect for this scene. The lighting was also very suitable in this scene. 

Above is another image from the first office scene. With this image you can see better the desk where the main character is sitting. This was perfect for the office scene as it had a desk with a chair and paper work on the walls and desk ready for filming. 

The two images above are images of the room the girl is taken to and trapped in when she gets captured. Again we thought this room was perfect for the scene as there was broken furniture, a large wardrobe which was slanted and the lighting was more dim which was perfect for this scene. There were also two doors with locks on which looked scary which fit in with the scene perfectly too.

The images above are images of the antagonists office and where the antagonist makes a phone call to his boss. This again perfectly suited the scene as it had lots of conventions suitable such as crooked window, tables and chairs which made the room look urban. 

Finally, for the last scene we needed an outdoor area to film in so we used the back area of the office which was an abandoned yard which was messy and you could see overgrown bushes and trees in the background adding to the scene.


Wednesday 23 September 2015

T10-Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule

I have decided to do all of my filming for my production during October half term during the second week. I have also split the duration/film into three parts and will be filming different parts on different days. This is the plan I have created for my schedule...

As you can see I have decided on times of which I am going to film including a short break and we have decided which parts which we are going to record on each day. I have also added locations so we all know where we need to be.

Monday 21 September 2015

T5/T9-Pitch with Script

Pitch and Script

Below is our pitch for our action movie "Persuit" for our A2 production. Included is our script for our production which we are going to use when videoing in October half term...


*Walking down Stairs*

*Walks out of office*

*Bad guy sees young girl and gets in car and drives towards her*

*Bad guy grabs girl, ties her hands together and puts her in car*

Young Girl: Help.. Help… What is going on?? Who are you?

*Bad guy closes car and drives off*


*Bad guy parks up at house and drags girl into the house*

*Bad guys phone rings*

Unknown caller: 10 minutes to find out what she knows and where the data is otherwise you both die!


*Bad Guy is browsing through weapons whilst young girl is trying to make an escape*

*Girl is breathing heavily*

*Girl runs towards door to get away*

Bad guy: Where is she gone?

*Girl gets shot by sniper as she leaves*


Risk Assessment

Friday 18 September 2015

T2-Action Movies

Action Movies

Action movies are voted one of the most popular and exciting movie genres of all time. Some very famous action movies include Fast and Furious, Mission Impossible, Taken and Die Hard.
Fast and Furious:
 Over the years, 7 fast and furious films have been released and all have been massive hits starting from the first one. Fast and Furious is a perfect example of an action movie as it includes stereotypical and conventions of an action movie.
Conventions of an action movie:
  • Weapons
  • Fights
  • Cars and Motorbikes
  • Cat and mouse chase
  • Big Modern City
  • Mission waiting to be completed
  • High Tech Technology
  • Outbreaks in windows and doors

Above is an image for promotion purposes taken from fast and furious 6. There are many conventions of a horror movie in this image...

Setting- The setting is London which is a city. A city setting is a big convention for action movies as cities include cars, crime, bad behaviour, car racing and generally breaking the rules, so the setting for fast and furious 6 was perfect.

Cars- A top convention for action movies are also cars as this is what causes the action in action movies. The way the cars look very sporty and fast show straight away to the audience that they are going to be professional drivers and boy racers. The way the characters are standing next to the cars also shows that they are proud of their cars showing the power of them.

Characters- A stereotypical look for a character in an action movie would usually be a either a strong male who is very tall and is willing to face anything or anybody and drives fast cars or a smart main who carries a brief case and is in disguise. Fast and Furious stick to the first stereotype as you can see as the men are dressed in black showing strength and are tall and big showing they are powerful. The way they are standing with their arms crossed also shows that nothing can beat them or their cars. The way one of the characters is wearing a protection vest shows that violence is going to be included in the film. 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Creative Journey 2-Research and Planning(NEW IDEA)

New Idea-Research and Planning

At the start of the year I was planning to work by my self and do my filming outside of sixth form with other people, I  was going to be creating a short zombie apocalypse movie named "Alone".

Instead I have spoke to some other people in my class and as a three we have decided to team together and create an action movie as all three of us enjoy and are interested in genre.The action movie will be called "Persuit"
We are still at early ages of planning the short film but together we have pitched ideas such as ideas for location and characters involved.

Friday 11 September 2015


Casting for Consequences

As my production is about a taking there are only 2 characters shown in my A2 production "Consequences"

Featured in "Consequences" I plan to have the main character "Antonia" who is leaving work not knowing what is going to happen to her anytime soon as she picks up a secret item not knowing the consequences. She is a young girl aged 25 and appears to be a smart business woman. My second character is "Stevie" who is planning on kid napping Antonia to try and get the secret memory stick off her. Luciano is also a young adult who is working undercover to try and get the memory stick off her to give back to his boss.

Antonia- Main Charecter
Stevie-Man who kid naps Antonia.

Thursday 10 September 2015


Storyboard for "Alone"



-Production company logo on screen-

*Shot of Daniela waking up in her bedroom(Non digetic sound of creepy music)*

*Daniela gets up out of bed walking around the house looking lost*

*FLASHBACK of being in a fight*

Daniela: Hello... Hello?

*Daniela continues to look around her house for her family*

*Daniela walks into the living room finding items and pictures all over the floor*

*Daniela picks up a family photo and takes a close look at the photo*

*Daniela picks up mobile from the table and dials "Mum"

Daniela: Damn... No service, what is going on!

*Daniela is now starting to panic, she goes upstairs to get changed*

*Daniela after getting change picks up phone and leaves the house to try and see what is going on*

*Daniela sees young boy running towards her*

Daniela: Hello.. hello, can you please tell me what is going on??

Luciano: Come with me...they are coming... come come

Daniela: Who is coming?? I don't understand

Luciano: Just follow me and I shall explain later

*Daniela follows Luciano(Non digetic tense music)

*Luciano takes Daniela to his safe house*

*Locks all doors and windows*

Daniela: Who are you? and could you please explain why we are pretty much alone in this city

Luciano: Here read this...

*Daniela whist shaking through fear reads the article on "Zombie Apocalypse swipes out UK"

Luciano: Its very dangerous outside especially at night we cant leave till the morning...if they see you they will run for you and if you get infected then you will turn in to one of the.

Daniela: But my family? I need to find them, I don't know where they are

Luciano: I'm afraid they are most likely to be gone or part of the apocalypse.

*Daniela starts to become emotional dropping the news article*

Luciano: Look tomorrow morning I will take you out and explain some few things, we will try and trace your family too but I cant promise anything.

*Digetic sound of footsteps upstairs*

Daniela: What is that?

Luciano: Ssshhhh

Daniela: WHAT IS IT?

Luciano: I don't know, it could be one of them! Quick hide under that table

*Daniela runs under table trembling with fear*

*Luciano takes slow steps upstairs to see what is going on*

*Digetic sound of a loud scream is heard by Daniela*

Daniela: Luciano?? Are you okay?

*Daniela picks up bag and runs out of door, heading towards the city*


Monday 7 September 2015

T4-Audience Research

Audience Research

The audience for my short film "Alone" will be young adults. The film isn't going to be too horrific but creepy so the age range 18-25 should be perfect. 

I have looked at a couple of other Zombie Apocalypse films and their age rating and they are very similar to what I would rate my own.

The Walking Dead is another Zombie Apocalypse American TV Drama. Some of the features from the show I may use in mine so in terms of Audience Research it is a good example. The Walking Dead box sets are all rated 18 because of the content and items used in the show. I would too rate my own film "Alone" an 18 because I am too going to have a similar storyline to the walking dead too.

I personally think anyone younger would find my film "Alone" a little disturbing or either a little bit boring as younger people usually like comedy or comedy horror films. 

 Another Zombie Apocalypse film which was very popular was Zombieland. The age rating for Zombieland was a 15 which is the open to teenagers as well as young adults. The film has been classed as a 15 due to there being a lot of humor to the film and less violent content compared to the walking dead which is a lot more serious and has very graphical content. My film "Alone" wont include humor as it is going to be quite a serious horror so I would definitely not class it as a 15 like Zombieland. 

To see what other people like in horror movies i have made my own survey for people to fill in with a small variety of quesions on horror movies...