Tuesday 15 December 2015

Editing My Footage


When I finished filming for my movie my next step was to edit. For editing I used the MAC computers at my sixth form and used Premier Pro to edit all my footage on.

 Using a MAC allowed me to transfer all my footage from my camera in to a folder as well as being saved on to the desktop meaning I wouldn't loose my work. 

When saved I then opened up a new premier pro document and put all my footage in. I then put them in order, trimmed then down, added sound effects and much more to them to make them look more professional and look like more of a short movie.

I used lesson time and free time to edit my footage to make sure I got it to the standard I wanted it to be. After editing I added sound to my short movie to complete it I used the following website...

This website allowed me to download music for my short film at ease by searching for what I was looking for. As well as soundtracks to run behind the footage the website also had ambient sound for me to add in. 

Above is a screenshot of my premier pro project for my film "Consequences" whilst I was working on it as you can see there is a lot going and it appears to be complicated but as I used Premier Pro to work on my AS production last year I carried the skills over from last year to allow me to use Premier Pro at ease.

Once the clips were all in place and the music was sorted I added in titles such as production company logo and a few titles saying who was in the short movie and the name of the movie. Here are some examples which I created for my project...


 Overall in terms of editing I had an enjoyable experience of editing and using premier pro to edit my short film. It helped a lot that I used Premier Pro last year to edit my AS production as I carried over my skills and remembered them to carry on this year, not only did I carry them over but I feel like I have improved this year as I knew how to work Premier Pro compared to last year.

Creative Journey 8

Creative Journey

I have now finished my first draft for my movie which will be marked and viewed by my teachers(Mr Rutherford and Mr Judge) over Christmas.I have also finished getting audience feedback for my magazine review page and magazine film poster and have finished them now. 

I am now just completing finishing touches and touching up on a few blog posts that may need editing.

Friday 11 December 2015

T10-First Draft of Consequences with Audience Feedback Questions

First Draft

Below is a first draft of my short film "Consequences". 

As it is my first draft I will be showing this draft to my class and other people especially the target audience to see what they think and give me some improvements to act on...


1. Would you leave or remove "Staring..."?
2. Would you bring "Antonia Georgiou and Stevie Georgiou" forward?
3. Would you cut the music all the way through the short movie and add it on to selected parts?
4. Should I remove "1 hour later..."?
5. Would you edit any of the clips such as add filters?

After showing my production to my class I received some constructive criticism on what to do next to improve my short movie. Here is what was said...

"Cut some of the shots a bit shorter as some of them were too long"

"Make the title "Consequences" appear a little longer"

" Lower down the sound and increase the volume of speech" 

" Get rid of "Staring" as it doesn't fit in to a short movie"

"Maybe add another scene on the end of car driving away" 

"Add a few ambient sounds in such as footsteps"

For my second draft I will be taking these improvements into consideration to improve my short film.