Sunday 23 August 2015

T2-Lady Gaga-Paparazzi and Bad Romance

Lady Gaga-Music Industry


Lady Gaga is a very different artist and is one of the most successful female artists in the music industry. She comes from an art background and is known for her unusual and creative outfits.
A lot of her music also touches on religion. A lot of her music is shared on her YouTube and VEVO channel and is also shared on her own personal website.
One of Lady Gaga's first big hits was called "Paparazzi" and was released in 2008. The music video and the song its self have also won the following awards...
  • MTV Video Music Award for Best Visual Effects
  • MTV Video Music Award for Best Art Direction
At the start of the video there is a scene of Lady Gaga's house. As you can see from the screenshot above the decor in the house is luxury and rich showing that Lady Gaga' wealth is at a high and shows her level in the music industry.
After the house setting there is a Swedish/Italian setting with an ambient sound of the sea and birds. This again is showing the wealth and level of Lady Gaga as only rich people would be able to live in a place like the above.
After the scene of the balcony the camera goes into the house and we see dollars with Lady Gaga's face on next to a pair of headphones which could be her own as she designed her own headphones for beats. The money with her face on next to a set of headphones could show that she rules the music industry. The way she has her face on the money also shows her wealth again.
As you can see from the screenshot above it looks like the audience are the paparazzi by the color and with the target in the middle. This would have been done to make the audience feel like they are part of the music video too especially her fan base the little monsters. This would of also been done to show the audience what the paparazzi see behind the cameras.
After Gaga had been pushed off the balcony we go into the above scene. The way Lady Gaga had a swirly illusion behind her shows the audience that the paparazzi make celebrities feel confused and dizzy and that they are in a big swirl with them. The way Gaga is also wearing white also shows that was innocent towards what happened earlier n=in the video and that it was her boyfriends fault.

The way Lady Gaga has also got bits of black (gloves) as part of her outfit shows that she does have a devious and evil side to her too as well as the white showing that she is sweet and innocent. 

 After the black swirl scene, Gaga is lying on the floor whilst paparazzi take pictures of her with old fashioned newspaper articles with negative headlines. Lady Gaga might have added this to the music video to warn people that celebrities always get bad publicity from the media and never good even if they haven't done anything.
The audience would of expected Gaga to be finished after falling off a cliff but instead shocking her audience she comes back still looking crazy and stylish but in a wheelchair showing that she is very powerful and is coming back for revenge. This shows Lady Gaga's personality. As she has four men behind her two and she is the only woman it shows she is just as strong as men and doesn't need anyone to help her. This would also make the audience feel sorry for Gaga as she is now in a wheelchair but it isn't her fault.

After wheeling her self into the room she removes her top layer to wearing a shiny metal outfit. This shows again the power of Gaga and shows that she is strong and is going to cause revenge. The way everyone behind her is wearing black and she stands out with the gold shows that she likes the idea of standing out to the media too.
Compared to at the start when Gaga was wearing a sweet white costume she is now wearing leather and black telling us she has now turned bad and again revenge. Leather is also known for showing protection which shows she could be wearing it to protect her self from her boyfriend.
At this point Lady Gaga has completed revenge and has poisoned her boyfriend. As you can see by the way he is looking at Gaga he has just realized what she has done and the way Gaga is sipping her tea shows that she does not care and is happy with her work.
After she killed her boyfriend she leaves the hotel with a security guard and paparazzi and fans all around her. This is showing and telling the audience the reality of the celebrity fame life and showing her fans that this is what it is like. On the other hand by her facial expression we can see that she is happy with her work and not caring about the media knowing that she did it.

When the video/song was released a lot more people became fond and knew who Lady Gaga was. A lot of people became fans of Lady Gaga not because of her music but her creativity and style. 

Bad Romance Music Video

Lady Gaga's bad romance video was released in 2009 and was a very popular song and music video that year in the music industry. Her music video like Paparazzi was released on her website own personal website and websites such as YouTube and VEVO. 

That year the music video won the following awards...
  • MTV Video of the Year
  • MTV Music Award for the Best Choreography 
  • Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Artist  
  • MTV Europe Music Award for Best Song
  • MTV Video Music Award for best Editing

At the start of the video Lady Gaga is sitting on a large white chair with the rest of her crew. This shows the audience she is about to tell a story.

 Everyone is wearing black and white whilst Gaga is wearing gold. The way everyone apart from Gaga is wearing black and white could show that they are dressed to show bad and good as black is known as an evil colour and white is a colour to do with angels. The way Gaga is dressed in gold shows that she is going to be the star of the show.

As you can see from the above Gaga is wearing large square glasses with razor blades in the middle. This shows she is sharp and is a warning saying for people to watch out for her.

The way Gaga has metal over her finger nails here also shows she is saying for people to watch out for her too like above with the glasses. The speaker she is using is a "Starck Speaker" by parrot which is a very expensive brand showing her wealth and power.

 Personally, by what the video shows I think the video is all about how the big music industry works and how it brain washes people. The way Lady Gaga's eyes are enlarged and she looks crazy shows that she is being brain washed in to the huge music industry.
As you can see by the screenshot above you can Gaga is emotional and crying. This shows that Gaga is crying out for help to the audience and it is her inervoice.
Gaga at this point is being poisoned and they have probably poisoned her so she behaves how they want her too and in the music industry it would be wild and revealing. At this point we can tell that Gaga is going to change and be how the industry want her.

The way Gaga is having her clothes ripped off her sort of shows that her good side is being ripped off her and her bad side is now being revealed. Her facial expression as it looks stressed also shows that she doesn't want to go to the bad side.

The way Gaga is forced wearing revealing clothes and is dancing in front of men for their entertainment shows that the music industry involves selling and prostitution and is warning her fans that this is what the music industry is about.

At this point Gaga is in a cage. Her body looks like he is half human and half cat for example because of how skinny she is. The way her body is shows anorexia which again like selling is again pressured in the music industry and is very important on what your body looks like.

 The way Gaga is now dressed in black shows that the industry has now captured her and she is in their power now and she is perfect in the industries eye. The way she also had diamonds around her shows her wealth and that if you are what the industry wants you will earn money. By Gaga's facial expression at this point you can tell she preferred what she was before the industry got hold of her.

Gaga is now wearing a real fur jacket which again not only shows her wealth but shows that because of how powerful she is she can wear what she wants as to buy real fur you would need a lot of money.

Gaga has now changed outfit and is now wearing red. This shows that her innocence has now gone and she is fully In the industries eyes. The way Gaga's dancers copy her are like her fans but in her video as he fans idolise Gaga.

The screenshot above is the very last scene of the music video and shows a lot. As Lady Gaga is lying down next to a dead body is shows that she is back to where she was and she has won. It also shows male dominance.

The way Gaga is sat looking quite rough and exhausted also shows her audience that the industry is non stop and that even though in the media they look good behind there is a problem.

 Comparison between the Paparazzi and Bad Romance

Lady Gaga's Paparazzi video is all about love and about how the paparazzi see things, on the other hand Lady Gaga's Bad Romance video is again about love but isn't about paparazzi, it is about the music industry and how they become and what the industry want. 

The way Paparazzi is about paparazzi and bad romance is about the music industry they are both similar as they both show the negatives and struggle of what people in the music industry have to go through such as paparazzi following them and releasing bad publicity and the music industry changing you to what they want. 

The styles of the two music videos are very different as Paparazzi is more rich and bright as it looks like it is set in a posh area of Sweden or Monaco for example. On the other hand Bad Romance is very negative, creepy and dark so in terms of style they are very different. 

As you can see from the screenshots below, the style of the videos are different compared to the narrative which is very similar.  

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